MySupply for Resellers

For more information about Apple products and programs, go to the Apple Sales Web.

To check the status of an order, access Order Status within the Apple Store for Resellers.

If you have questions regarding the reports available in MySupply, please reach out to your Account Manager or email

If you have a change in address, email or phone, please go to the Apple Sales Web, click on the Apple Account Maintenance Tool (AAMT) link make the necessary updates.

MySupply for iTunes - Mobile Carriers

If you have questions regarding the content of a statement of account available in MySupply, please reach out to:

If you have any other question about the portal, you can contact your Apple Account Manager or send your question to

Please mention MySupply in the description of your question.

New to MySupply

MySupply allows users to receive, view and download important account information and reports securely. Access is by invitation only. Please contact your local Apple Account Manager, or your internal Apple Partner Administrator (if applicable) for further details.